We head into a world of Thai folk beliefs, evil spirits and familial strife with 2021’s The Medium. This one ends up diving headfirst into traditional horror, but we’re more affected by what’s going on under the surface.
Episode 03.04M: La Llorona
We begin a month’s discussion of folklore in psychological horror film with 2019’s La Llorona. Despite its honor as Guatemala’s submission for best international film, this one seems to have been overshadowed by lesser films with the same story device, but we think it deserves more recognition for its effective and affecting use of myth.
Episode 03.03: Nightmare Alley (2021)
We continue our month of discussing the intersection between horror and noir with the 2021 adaptation of Nightmare Alley. We compare it to the original adaptation and delve into the differences in character motivations, plus we consider if director Guillermo del Toro’s influence tips this film into full “horror” territory.
Episode 03.03M: Nightmare Alley (1947)
This month we discuss the dark intersection between horror and noir, beginning with the 1947 adaptation of Nightmare Alley. Carnivals, cons and a slow descent into fated madness. Fun for the whole family!
Episode 03.02: Relic
We continue this month’s discussion of the horror of old age and generational trauma with 2020’s Relic, directed by Natalie Erika James. A slow-burn psychological horror woven among three women of the samily but different generations, this one leads to surprisingly tender hidden places.
Episode 03.02M: The Manor
We begin a month of discussion about films dealing with age, disease and generational trauma with 2021’s The Manor, which tells us that getting old is really scary and sometimes there are ancient tree demons.
Episode 03.01: The Wind
There’s something out there on the prairie. Isolation, jealousy, childbirth, psychosis, demons—or maybe it’s just the wind. We cover it all in our discussion of 2018’s The Wind from director Emma Tammi.
If you like The Wind, you might also like:
The Witch
The Other Lamb
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Episode 03.01M: Wake in Fright
This month we’re discussing wide, open spaces and the horror lying in wait beyond civilization. So what better place to begin than with 1971’s Ozploitation classic, Wake in Fright. Topics include the facade of morality, the danger of the outcast and, um, kangaroo hunts.
Content warning! This film has very graphic scenes of violence against animals and we talk about it, in general terms, in the episode. Be aware if you haven’t seen the film yet.
Episode 02.11: Season 2 Review & Season 3 Preview
It’s the end of the year and so it’s time for some reflection. We look back on our second season, discuss our favorite episodes and list the goals we have for the podcast next year.
This is also a great opportunity to send us feedback or suggest a future film to cover! Email us at hello@quietlittlehorrors.com.
Thank you for coming along with us! Happy New Year!
Episode 02.10: Last Night in Soho
We’re ending 2021 and our second season with a big one: Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho. It’s dazzling, twisty and maybe a little thematically muddled, but talking about what works and what doesn’t is a fun ride.
This episode’s related recommendations:
- Stir of Echoes
- Sixth Sense
- Peeping Tom
- Black Swan